Renton Councilmembers spent two days last week with the Mayor’s office at their annual council retreat.  The session served as an opportunity for council to get detailed information on several key topics and set the direction and priorities for the coming year. One of the main areas of focus was growth and its impact. The council discussed zoning, next steps for the Civic Core plan and “quick wins.” They also spent time discussing how to balance economic development on the one hand with the continuing challenges of affordable housing, the need to invest in our infrastructure, and transportation.

A major priority for Renton is traffic congestion and the impact on our streets.  Council discussed a range of options including regional investment in transit and the possibility of creating a transportation benefit district in the future-all options were on the table.  The council explored real solutions for homelessness and the opioid and mental health crisis, and discussed code enforcement challenges.

Council also reviewed the city’s Business Plan and started planning for the 2019-2020 budget priorities.